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At Garwood Reeves Family Law, we understand that divorce can be a difficult and emotional experience, especially for San Diego LGBT couples. 

Our team of experienced San Diego LGBT divorce lawyers is here to provide compassionate and practical legal guidance throughout the process.

We specialize exclusively in family law matters, and our in-depth knowledge allows us to address the specific legal issues LGBT couples face during divorce. 

We are committed to protecting your rights and achieving a positive outcome for you and your family.

Understanding LGBT Divorce. What Is It?

An LGBT divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage between same-sex spouses in California. While similar to traditional divorce in many respects, there can be additional complexities for LGBT couples.

Legal Recognition

California recognizes all legal marriages, regardless of where they were performed. However, navigating out-of-state marriage recognition can involve additional steps.

Parental Rights and Adoption

Determining parental rights and custody arrangements for children conceived through adoption, surrogacy, or sperm donation can be intricate.

Cultural and Familial Challenges

LGBT families may face societal biases or unsupportive family dynamics during divorce. These factors can add stress to the process.

Focus on Fairness

LGBT couples deserve legal representation that ensures their rights and interests are protected throughout the divorce.

Impact on Families

Divorce can be challenging for everyone involved, but LGBT families may face specific concerns:


Children of LGBT couples can be particularly affected by divorce. Our experienced attorneys understand the importance of minimizing conflict and advocating for solutions that prioritize the well-being of all parties, especially children.


The emotional impact on parents in an LGBT divorce can be significant. We can provide support and guidance throughout the process.

Family Relationships

Divorce can strain relationships with extended family members. While we cannot control external factors, we can help you navigate these situations with understanding and respect.

Helping LGBT Clients Navigate Their Divorce Process

At Garwood Reeves Family Law, we understand the unique challenges San Diego LGBT couples face during divorce. Our experienced lawyers guide you with compassion and expertise.

Contact Garwood Reeves Family Law to schedule a confidential consultation. We’re here to answer your questions and guide you through the San Diego LGBT divorce process.

How Do LGBT Divorces Work in California?

While similar to traditional divorces in many ways, LGBT divorces in California can involve some unique considerations. Here’s a breakdown:

Dissolution Options: 

California recognizes various ways to dissolve a same-sex relationship, depending on your situation:


The legal termination of a same-sex marriage.


An annulment may be an option if your marriage is not legally valid.

Domestic Partnership Termination: 

If you were in a registered domestic partnership, you’d need to terminate it formally.


A neutral third party can guide you and your spouse towards an amicable agreement on divorce terms.

No-Fault Divorce: 

California is a no-fault state. You don’t need to prove fault to get a divorce; only irreconcilable differences exist.

Two Main Divorce Paths: 

There are two main paths for dissolving a marriage:

Summary Dissolution: 

A faster option for couples who meet specific criteria, like being married for less than five years, having no minor children together, and possessing minimal assets and debts.

Standard Divorce: 

This is a more complex process that typically takes longer to finalize.

Key Issues to Address: 

Regardless of the chosen path, several crucial issues need to be addressed:

Child Custody and Support: 

If you have children, a custody and support plan will be established, prioritizing their best interests.

Spousal Support: 

Depending on the circumstances, spousal support (alimony) may be awarded.

Property Division: 

California follows community property laws, meaning assets and debts acquired during the marriage are generally divided equally.

Common signs and behaviors associated with LGBT Divorce

CommunicationFrequent argumentsYelling, name-calling, inability to have civil conversations
CommunicationCommunication breakdownsStonewalling, refusing to talk about problems, feeling unheard
Emotional ConnectionGrowing emotional distanceFeeling like roommates, lack of interest in each other’s lives
Emotional ConnectionNeglecting emotional needsWithdrawing affection, refusing to offer emotional support
InfidelityCheatingSexual or emotional involvement with someone outside the relationship
IntimacyLack of physical intimacyDecline in sexual activity, feeling disconnected physically
IntimacyLack of emotional intimacyFeeling emotionally distant, difficulty expressing affection
FinancesFinancial strainMounting debt, disagreements about spending habits, difficulty managing finances together
ValuesDisagreements about core valuesDiffering views on religion, parenting styles, life goals
Substance AbuseAddiction to drugs or alcoholSubstance abuse can create emotional and financial strain, negatively impacting communication and intimacy.

Garwood Reeves’ Expertise in LGBT Divorce Cases

At Garwood Reeves Family Law, we understand the unique challenges of LGBT divorce. Our exclusive focus on family law enables us to offer specialized knowledge and effective representation for LGBT divorce in California.

Specialized Legal Focus, Expert Representation

Our experienced attorneys are well-versed in the complexities of LGBT divorce and stay updated on the latest legal developments to provide the best possible representation.

Compassionate Approach, Prioritizing Family Well-being

We recognize the emotional toll of divorce, especially on children. Our team approaches each case with empathy, prioritizing the best interests of all involved.

Preserving Parent-Child Bonds

Our goal is to minimize the impact on children by establishing healthy co-parenting arrangements that foster positive relationships between parents and children.

Strategies for Reconciliation (When Possible)

We explore reconciliation avenues whenever feasible, guiding you through communication techniques and conflict-resolution strategies that could mend your relationship.

Proven Success in Rebuilding Families

We have a successful track record of helping LGBT couples navigate divorce, minimizing conflict, and preserving parent-child bonds, aiming for a positive and hopeful future for your family.

Challenges for LGBT Couples

Recognition of Out-of-State Marriages

California recognizes all legal marriages, regardless of where they were performed. However, navigating recognition of marriages from states with a more complex history of same-sex marriage might involve additional steps. 

An experienced attorney can guide you through this process.

Parental Rights and Adoption

Determining parental rights and custody arrangements for children conceived through adoption, surrogacy, or sperm donation can be intricate. 

California has established laws protecting parental rights in these scenarios, but legal complexities can arise. 

Our team can ensure your rights as a parent are protected.

Cultural and Familial Challenges

LGBT families may face societal biases or unsupportive family dynamics during divorce. These external factors can add stress to the process. 

Our compassionate team understands these challenges and is here to advocate for you with sensitivity and respect.

Legal Protection and Equality

While California law strives for equality, ensuring your rights are fully protected throughout the divorce process requires an attorney who understands the specific legal landscape for LGBT couples. 

At Garwood Reeves Family Law, we stay up-to-date on evolving legal precedents and fight tirelessly to ensure a fair and equitable outcome for you.

Property Division in a San Diego LGBT Divorce Case

California is a community property state. This means all assets and debts acquired during the marriage are generally divided equally between spouses upon divorce. 

There are exceptions, such as separate property (assets owned by one spouse before the marriage).

Here are some resources to help you understand property division in California:

Legal Rights and Responsibilities

Both parents in an LGBT divorce have equal legal rights and responsibilities regarding their children. This includes:

Child Custody: Determining a custody arrangement prioritizes the child’s best interests. We can help you establish joint custody, sole custody, or a visitation schedule.

Child Support: California uses a formula to determine child support payments based on each parent’s income. Our team can ensure a fair and appropriate support arrangement is established.

Parental Decision-Making: Determining how significant decisions regarding the child’s upbringing will be made (jointly or by one parent).

Important Information For Divorcing LGBT Couples Who Have Kids

Divorce can be a difficult time for everyone involved, especially children. When navigating an LGBT divorce with children in San Diego, you may have additional concerns. 

Here’s what you can expect at Garwood Reeves Family Law:

Consultation Process with Garwood Reeves

During your initial consultation, our experienced San Diego LGBT divorce attorney will listen to your story, explain your legal rights and options, answer your questions, and discuss potential solutions tailored to your needs. 

To prepare for your consultation, bring essential information about your marital history, details about your children, and any financial documents. Be ready to share your questions to ensure a comprehensive discussion.

Our commitment is to protect your rights and the well-being of your children, guiding you through the divorce process with empathy and expertise. 

Contact Garwood Reeves Family Law today at (619) 692-8100 to schedule a confidential consultation and begin building a positive future for your family.

Testimonials and Case Studies

Here are some positive testimonials from the Garwood Reeves Family Law website that showcase their expertise and client care:

Compassion and Expertise: Kari Dunn highlights Emma Magidson Slattery’s “compassion and knowledge” and her ability to act in the client’s best interest.

Strong Representation: Bridget Potterton praises Casey Reeve’s reputation within the family law community and his dedication to achieving the best outcome for his clients.

Knowledgeable and Caring: Bena L. commends Casey Reeve’s legal expertise and ability to make clients feel valued.

Do I Need a San Diego LGBT Divorce Lawyer?

It’s advisable to consult with a San Diego LGBT divorce lawyer to ensure a smooth and successful process. 

They can guide you through the legalities specific to your situation and advocate for your rights throughout the divorce.

Residency Requirements For LGBT Divorce in San Diego

There is no residency requirement for LGBT couples to file for divorce in San Diego, California. However, a waiting period is required before a judge can finalize the divorce. 

At least six months must pass after the non-filing spouse receives divorce papers.

Frequently Asked LGBT Divorce Questions

  1. Is there a residency requirement for LGBT divorce in San Diego?

No, residency requirements are not a factor for filing an LGBT divorce in San Diego. However, California law mandates a waiting period of at least six months after the non-filing spouse is served with divorce papers before the judge finalizes the divorce.

  1. Do I need an LGBT-specific divorce attorney in San Diego?

While not mandatory, having a San Diego LGBT divorce lawyer is highly recommended. They possess specialized knowledge of the legal nuances surrounding LGBT divorce in California, such as parental rights with adoption or surrogacy. They can ensure your rights are protected throughout the process.

  1. How is property divided in an LGBT divorce in San Diego?

California is a community property state. This means all assets and debts acquired during the marriage are generally divided equally between spouses upon divorce. There are exceptions for separate property owned by one spouse before the marriage. An experienced San Diego LGBT divorce attorney can analyze your situation and ensure a fair division of your marital property.

  1. What are the challenges of dividing parental rights in an LGBT divorce with children?

Determining parental rights and custody arrangements can be complex, especially with children conceived through adoption, surrogacy, or sperm donation. California has established laws protecting parental rights, but legal complexities can arise. An LGBT divorce attorney can navigate these complexities and ensure your rights as a parent are protected.

  1. What are the benefits of mediation in an LGBT divorce?

Mediation can be a beneficial option for some LGBT couples seeking an amicable divorce. A neutral third party facilitates communication and helps you agree on property division, child custody, and spousal support outside court. This can be a faster and less expensive approach compared to traditional litigation.

Need Help With Your Divorce? Contact Our San Diego LGBT Divorce Lawyers Today!

Divorce can be a difficult journey, especially for LGBT families with children. At Garwood Reeves Family Law, we understand your unique challenges. 

We are committed to fostering a sense of familial harmony throughout the process.

Reconnection, Not Just Resolution:

We go beyond simply finalizing your divorce. We believe in minimizing the impact on your children and helping you navigate a path toward reconnection.

Take the First Step Towards Healing:

Schedule a consultation with our compassionate San Diego LGBT divorce lawyers today. We’ll listen to your story, answer your questions, and explore options tailored to your needs. 

Together, we can create a plan that prioritizes your children’s well-being and empowers you to rebuild a hopeful future.

The Transformative Power of Legal Support:

Our experienced legal team understands the complexities of LGBT divorce, including child custody arrangements, property division, and ensuring your rights are protected. We’ll advocate for a fair and equitable outcome while guiding you toward a peaceful resolution.

You don’t have to navigate this challenging time alone. At Garwood Reeves Family Law, we support you every step of the way. 

Call us today at (619) 692-8100 or visit our website to schedule a consultation.